New Publication
Rowan Pereira (Stonehill 2019) stayed on as Project Intern for the Spring 2019 semester, driving to Framingham weekly, and completing an independent transcription and encoding of Henry Petowe’s previously unpublished additions to Marlowe’s posthumously published poem, “Hero and Leander.” Rowan complemented this achievement by graduating with the first digital humanities minor offered at Stonehill College. It has been a great pleasure working with her over the years, and her contributions to this project cannot be underestimated.
New Process
Historically, I have taught students to transcribe in word processing software before transferring their document into Oxygen XML Editor. This extra step can help students focus on transcribing accurately, and not become overwhelmed with too many simultaneous tasks. Creating a diplomatic edition in a Word also requires students to learn useful features of the software that contributes to their broad-scale digital literacies; students recognize that there are layers of encoding built into their word processing software that are similar to how they will instruct their text to “behave” when they tag it using TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) methods.
As an experienced encoder, Rowan chose to transcribe and encode directly into the Oxygen editor. This decision saved her a good deal of time. Initially, Rowan followed the schema that Scott Hamlin (Stonehill) had adapted from Martin Holmes (MoEML) that we have used for our earlier encoding projects. But one of my goals for KMP is to get on-board with the TEI encoding practices adopted by the Linked Early Modern Drama Online (LEMDO) project, a project that aims to establish consistent TEI encoding practices across platforms to facilitate data sharing. Janelle Jenstad (MoEML, LEMDO, Endings Project) and Joey Takeda (MoEML, LEMDO) shared LEMDO’s open-source materials with us. After entering the code, Rowan and I held our breaths as the software validated the file, ascertaining that there were no egregious errors, or tags that may have been inconsistent with those permitted by the LEMDO schema. Happily, the document was valid. Moving forward, all KMP projects will be LEMDO-compliant.
At this time, we’ve published Rowan’s edition of Petowe’s “Hero and Leander” on the TAPAS (TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service) website and linked the work to our Mini-Archive. Although it may benefit from an additional round of proof-reading, we wanted to make it available sooner rather than later.
Moving Forward
During AY 2019-2020, I will collaborate with Framingham State University’s Student Success and Assessment Librarian Hedda Monaghan to rebuild The Kit Marlowe Project site for accessibility and sustainability. The current site will remain live during this process. I plan to build student contributions back into my syllabi for Spring 2020.
Once the site is redesigned, I will welcome contributions from faculty-student collaborators. KMP will follow Map of Early Modern London to offer Pedagogical Partnerships to continue generating student-generated site content.
Questions? Please contact me!
The Kit Marlowe Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.