Welcome to the Kit Marlowe Project’s Mini-Archive. Here, one will find semi-diplomatic editions of early modern texts and excerpts related to Marlowe’s life and times that students have transcribed, edited, and encoded using TEI Guidelines.
Most of the following texts are/were available as an open-access, transcribed, and encoded editions at the time of their publication here on the KMP site. We hope that these “good enough” editions will offer starting points for others to “try this at home.” Our editions offer many opportunities to engage students in the classroom with a range of learning opportunities including developing close-reading and annotation skills, as well as learning about digital text analysis. Because our corpus has been created using TEI, these editions are also suitable to be downloaded and added to external corpora for more advanced data analyses.
Featured text
The editions featured here have been created using The Map of Early Modern London’s methods for using the TEI to encode primary sources; Scott Hamlin created our schema by adapting those Martin Holmes created for Bennett’s earlier collaborations with Dr. Janelle Jenstad and The Map of Early Modern London as a Pedagogical Partner. We have published these editions via the TAPAS Project (TEI Access Publishing and Access Service) hosted by Northeastern University’s Digital Scholarship Group.
“Mini-Archive” photo credit: Kathryn Joy (Stonehill ’17). The Kit Marlowe Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.