Download Marlowe’s Dramatic Corpus
Marlowe’s single-authored plays were all initially created by the Folger Shakespeare’s Digital Anthology of Early Modern English Drama. The Henry VI trilogy, co-authored with William Shakespeare and Thomas Nashe, was initially created by Internet Shakespeare Editions. The versions that follow all have been exported so that they are suitable for text analysis.
Click on the highlighted file extension to download ORIGINAL SPELLING versions of Christopher Marlowe’s Dramatic Corpus, including his collaborations with Shakespeare: PDF, DOC (MS Word).
Click on the highlighted file extension to download REGULAR SPELLING versions of Christopher Marlowe’s Dramatic Corpus, including his collaborations with Shakespeare: PDF, DOC (MS Word).
Download “Clean” text files of Marlowe’s Dramatic Corpus
The following plays have undergone light “data cleaning” and converted into .txt files to make them suitable for data analysis using a wide range of digital tools. For the most part, line numbers, speaker tags, and additional editorial information has been removed to leave a “clean” text. Each play’s page specifies what information has been stripped and what procedures were used to prepare these editions for text analysis.
Click on the highlighted file extension to download a full corpus of Original Spelling Editions, cleaned for text analysis: TXT
Click on the highlighted file extension to download a full corpus of Regular Spelling Editions, cleaned for text analysis: TXT
See below to download individual plays.
The foregoing regular-spelling editions were originally downloaded from The Folger Shakespeare Library’s Digital Anthology of Early Modern English Drama regular spelling edition; they were edited by Meaghan Brown, Michael Poston, and Elizabeth Williams (2016).