Here one may link to Early Modern English Drama’s (Folger Shakespeare Library) edited edition of the 1590 Tamburlaine the Great, 1 written by Christopher Marlowe. This edition features original and modernized spelling versions as downloadable PDFs or XML. This text, originally printed by Richard Jones, has
Dido, Queen of Carthage. Early Modern English Drama (1594)
Here one may link to Early Modern English Drama’s (Folger Shakespeare Library) edited edition of the 1594 Dido, Queen of Carthage written by Christopher Marlowe and Thomas Nashe. This edition features original and modernized spelling reading versions, plus downloadable PDFs or XML files.
Project Inception: Fall 2017
The Kit Marlowe Project was brought to life by undergraduates enrolled in Stonehill College’s Fall 2017 team-taught Learning Community entitled “A Rogue’s Progress: Mapping Kit Marlowe’s Social Networks.” But our team extended well beyond instructors Kristen Abbott Bennett and Scott Hamlin. We