
For this week’s work I went back to the work I had previously done and tweaked a few things that needed to be fixed such as the marginal notes being on the wrong side due to wrong <lb/> positions. From there I decided to take the five sections that Reginald Scot references Shakespeare’s work and get to transcribing them. This was actually fun since I picked up on some of what he was referencing such as Robin Goodfellow. Transcribing the pages took a long time to do because of the different characters, symbols, and because the chapters went over several pages. Therefore this took up all my time for the week but I’m hoping for next week I will get a good chunk of them encoded.

2/11     4:00pm-6:00pm    (5 hr)


2/14     9:30am-10:40am    ( 3hr)


2/15 11:20am-1:17pm (2hr)


One of the things I focused on this week was to find a happy medium for myself to create a better work environment and to allow me to focus better. Creating a better working environment for me involved putting on some music as I worked. This helped me focus on working without getting distracted by background noise. I also tried to limit myself to the eight hours per week required of the internship so I would encourage myself to prioritize the work I was doing.

I have never had a job like this before so working from home is a new experience for me. Both of my other jobs have involved retail which are quite different from this job. However, the biggest things I think both have required is a good work ethic and being self-sufficient. The new job I have started which involves working at the Whittemore Library on campus is actually quite similar and involves scanning books. All of my past and current jobs seem to be easier and go by quicker when music is involved.

Kelsey Rhodes – February 10-February 16, 2022