(This version does not stop the 5-word window at speech-breaks.)
In the same folder as this program there should exist the following file:
1) “function_words.txt”
and the following folder containing ASCII text files (with the extension “.txt”):
1) “books/”
e.g. “books/text1.txt” and “books/text2.txt”
The files text1 and text2 will typically be literary or historical
documents and no special encoding is presumed. Thus the opening
of Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest’ could be encoded thus, as it appears
in a simple original-spelling transcription from 1623 First Folio:
Actus primus, Scena prima.
A tempestuous noise of Thunder and Lightning heard: Enter
a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.
Heere Master: What cheere?
Good: Speake to th’ Mariners: fall too’t, yarely, or we
run our selues a ground, bestirre, bestirre. Exit.
The file “function_words.txt” should be a simple list of words
separated by a space, as in:
and the in on with but for
The program will output to the console a running commentary
on the comparisons it makes, leading to a final statement of
the relative entropy between text1 and text2. For files of
anything more than a trivial size (dozens of words) this
running commentary can run to thousands of outputted lines
and it is recommended to redirect the console output to a
file to be consulted after the program is finished. On the
Microsoft Windows command line this is achieved using the
redirection operator “>”, as in “python WAN.py > out.txt”.
The three file names used can be changed by editing their
occurrences in lines 253, 254, and 258 below. The size of
5-word window can be changed by editing the variable assignment
in line 255 below.
import os
from math import log
def cleanUp(anytext): # This does the removal of punctuation and lowercasing of the list 'anytext'
#print("\nEntering cleanUp()")
punctuation_to_remove = [',', '.', '!', '?', '"', ':', ';', ')', '(', '[', ']']
#print("Punctuation that will be removed: "+str(punctuation_to_remove))
for mark in (punctuation_to_remove):
anytext = anytext.replace(mark, "")
#print("Text after punctuation and paragraphs processed:\n\n"+anytext)
anytext = anytext.lower().split()
#print("Text after lowercased and made into list of strings:")
#print("length of text is "+str(len(anytext)))
#print("End of cleanUp()")
return anytext
def showMatrix(anyMatrix): # This #prints our square matrix in two dimensions so it's easier to read
if anyMatrix == []:
# else:
# for i in range (0,len(anyMatrix[0])):
# #print(" "+str(anyMatrix[i]))
def countFWs(anyText, anyFwords, anyWindowWidth, anyInputFileName): # This generates the matrix of
# weighted scores (pre-normalization
#print("\nEntering countFWs()\n") # and calculation of limit probabilities)
# We pass the input file name merely so we can
# display it in the console log output.
# This function returns the weighted scores as
# a square matrix and also the raw counts
# of function word hits as a 1D array to be
# used later in limitProbabilities()
fwordsScores = [] # Create an empty square matrix
for z in range(0, len(anyFwords)): # to hold the weights of the MC edges
fwordsScores.append([0] * len(anyFwords)) # from each node to each other
#print("This is the matrix (fwordScores) holding the weighted counts for each function word:")
fwordsRawCounts = [] # As well as the weighted scores we need integer counts of hits
for z in range(0, len(anyFwords)): # which we will use in the limit-probabilities calculation
fwordsRawCounts.append(0) # We create it as an empty 1-D array (= Python list) and then
# append values of '0' as many times as there are function words
#print("\nWe use a 1-dimension array (fwordsRawCounts) to hold raw integer counts of how often each function word found in text:")
# for z in range(0, len(anyFwords)):
# #print("The starting count for function word '"+anyFwords[z]+"' is: "+str(fwordsRawCounts[z]))
for i in range(0, len(anyText)-1): # iterate thru text (don't check last word: no room to open window)
#print("\nIn "+anyInputFileName+" word number "+str(i)+" is '"+anyText[i]+"'")
for j in range(0, len(anyFwords)): # for this word in text, iterate thru the list of function words
#print(" Function word list number "+str(j)+" is '"+anyFwords[j]+"'")
if anyText[i] == anyFwords[j]: # we got a match, so open the window
#print(" Hit: source text word '"+anyText[i]+"' = function-word list word '"+anyFwords[j]+"'.")
fwordsRawCounts[j] = fwordsRawCounts[j]+1
#print(" That means we have seen '"+anyFwords[j]+"' "+str(fwordsRawCounts[j])+" times.")
#print(" Let's open a window.")
if len(anyText)-i <= anyWindowWidth:
thisWindowWidth = len(anyText)-1-i
thisWindowWidth = anyWindowWidth
#print(" Using window of width "+str(thisWindowWidth))
for k in range(0, thisWindowWidth):
#print(" Looking in window at word number "+str(k)+" which is '"+anyText[i+1+k]+"'")
# if anyText[i+1+k] == "xxxxx":
# #print(" That's an end-of-speech marker, so terminating the window trawl.")
# break
for l in range(0, len(anyFwords)):
#print(" Comparing it to function word '"+anyFwords[l]+"'")
if anyText[i+1+k] == anyFwords[l]:
#print(" Match!, so row for '"+anyFwords[j]+"' gets raised in its column for '"+anyFwords[l]+"' by 0.75 to the power of "+str(k))
#print(" That is, row "+str(j)+" and column "+str(l)+" is raised by "+str(0.75**k)+" giving us:")
fwordsScores[j][l] = fwordsScores[j][l] + (0.75 ** k)
#print(" Continuing window trawl.")
break # If we match this word in the window with a function word, no point
# looking at further function words to match it with
break # Having matched current word in text (not in the window, in the text)
# with a function word and looked ahead, there's no point continuing
# to compare that current word with the other function words
#print("\nOutput of countFWs():")
#print("fwordsRawCounts: "+str(fwordsRawCounts))
#print("\n\nEnd of countFWs()\n")
return (fwordsScores, fwordsRawCounts)
def normalize(anyMatrix): # divide each cell in a square matrix by the sum of the row
#print("Entering normalize()") # it's in (unless that sum is 0)
for i in range(0,len(anyMatrix[0])): # iterate thru rows
for j in range(0,len(anyMatrix[0])): # iterate thru columns in this row
rowSum = rowSum + anyMatrix[i][j] # build rowSum
if rowSum != 0: # once rowSum calculated, unless it's zero
for j in range(0,len(anyMatrix[0])): # iterate thru same row again, dividing
anyMatrix[i][j] = anyMatrix[i][j]/rowSum # each cell by its row's sum
#print("\nOutput of normalize:")
#print("End of normalize()")
return anyMatrix
def eliminateSinks(anyMatrix): # If any row in a square matrix is all zeroes, that indicates a
# function word not followed (with our window) by any other function
# words. The limit probability of such a 'sink' would be 1 and all
# other limit probabilities would be 0, since there is no way out of
# this state. To fix this we set all the cells in that row to 1 divided
# by the number width ( = the height) of the matrix.
#print("\nEntering eliminateSinks()")
#print("input anyMatrix is")
dummyMatrix=[] # Because of the weird way Python treats "=" we need to take
for i in range(0, len(anyMatrix[0])): # a dummy copy of the input matrix and work only on that
dummyMatrix.append([0] * len(anyMatrix[0])) # So first we create the copy and populate it with zeroes
for i in range(0,len(anyMatrix[0])): # iterate thru rows
for j in range(0,len(anyMatrix[0])): # iterate thru columns in this row
rowSum = rowSum + anyMatrix[i][j] # build rowSum
if rowSum == 0: # once rowSum calculated, if it's zero
for j in range(0,len(anyMatrix[0])): # iterate thru same row again, setting each
dummyMatrix[i][j] = 1 / len(anyMatrix[0]) # cell in dummyMatrix to 1/matrix-width
for j in range(0,len(anyMatrix[0])): # or else just copy the anyMatrix value
dummyMatrix[i][j] = anyMatrix[i][j] # over to the new dummyMatrix
#print("\nOutput of eliminateSinks:")
#print("anyMatrix is still")
#print("End of eliminateSinks()")
return dummyMatrix
def limitProbabilities(anyScores, anyCounts): # Multiply a square matrix by itself 100 times
#print("\nEntering limitProbabilities()") #
copyOfanyScores = anyScores # This holds the original matrix so we can keep reusing it
for loop in range(0,100): # Do this 100 times ...
product = [] # 'product' is a temporary matrix holding the result
for i in range(0, len(anyScores[0])): # of (anyMatrix * copyOfanyMatrix) each time we
product.append([0] * len(anyScores[0])) # go through the loop. We have to initialize it to 0s
for i in range (0, len(anyScores[0])): # iterate thru rows
for j in range (0, len(anyScores[0])): # iterate thru columns
for k in range (0, len(anyScores[0])): # see 'multiply-matrices.txt' for how this loop works
product[i][j] = product[i][j] + (copyOfanyScores[i][k] * anyScores[k][j])
anyScores=product # once we'd done all the rows and columns, make the
# result of the product be the new value for anyMatrix
# while copyOfanyMatrix retains the starting value
#print("\nAfter 100 self-multiplications, anyMatrix ends up:")
#print("\nNow we apply initial probabilities using these counts of function words in this text:")
#print("Each count is turned into a probability by dividing it by the counts' sum, which is "+str(sum(anyCounts)))
columnTotals = [] # Create 1D array to hold column totals after multiplication
for z in range(0, len(anyScores)): # by initial probabilities based on raw counts of fword occurrences
columnTotals.append(0) #
for column in range(0,len(anyScores)): # Iterate through columns first
for row in range(0,len(anyScores)): # Iterate from top to bottom of column, adding to the running total this
# cell's value times the likelihood of starting the walk in this row,
# which is the count of occurrences of the fword this row represents
# (=anyCounts[row]) divided by all fword occurrences (=sum(anyCounts))
columnTotals[column] = columnTotals[column]+anyScores[row][column]*(anyCounts[row]/sum(anyCounts))
#print("\nThe resulting column totals")
#print("will be returned as the limit probabilities\n")
#print("End of limitProbabilities()")
return columnTotals
def relativeEntropy(anyWAN1, anyWAN2, anyWAN1LimitProbs): # For each pair of cells (same row,column) in anyWAN1
# and anyWAN2 where both matrices' values are non-zero,
# deduct the natural (base e) logarithm of the value in
# anyWAN2 from the natural log of the value of the
# in anyWAN1 and multiply by the value in anyWAN1 and
# by the value of the corresponding limit proabability
# in the one-dimensional list anyWAN1LimitProbs (ie the
# element in anyWAN1LimitProbs at the index given by
# by the row in anyWAN1)
#print("\nEntering relativeEntropy()")
sigma = 0 # Our running total, added to by delta for each cell pair
for i in range(0, len(anyWAN1[0])):
for j in range(0,len(anyWAN1[0])):
#print("Cell in anyWAN1 at "+str(i)+", "+str(j)+" is "+str(anyWAN1[i][j]))
#print("Cell in anyWAN2 at "+str(i)+", "+str(j)+" is "+str(anyWAN2[i][j]))
if (anyWAN1[i][j] != 0) and (anyWAN2[i][j] != 0):
#print("Both edges non-zero, so let's calculate the relative entropy")
#print(" Function word is '"+fwords[i]+"' with limit probability of "+str(anyWAN1LimitProbs[i]))
delta = (log(anyWAN1[i][j]) - log(anyWAN2[i][j])) * anyWAN1[i][j] * anyWAN1LimitProbs[i]
sigma = sigma + delta
#print(" Delta is "+str(delta)+", so sigma is "+str(sigma))
#print("End of relativeEntropy()")
return sigma
############################### End of function definitions ##################
#inputFile1 = "books/hamlet-text.txt"
#inputFile2 = "books/macbeth-text.txt"
windowWidth = 27
#print("\n\nBEGINNING ...")
def return_centinat_relative_entropy_1(inputFile1, inputFile2):
with open('function_words.txt', 'r') as handle:
fwords = sorted(handle.read().split())
#print("List of function words: "+str(fwords))
with open(inputFile1, "r") as handle:
text1=handle.read() # we no longer replace whitespace between paragraphs with 'xxxxx'
with open(inputFile2, "r") as handle:
text2=handle.read() # we no longer replace whitespace between paragraphs with 'xxxxx'
#print("\n\nDoing "+inputFile1)
(text1Scores, text1Counts) = countFWs(cleanUp(text1),fwords,windowWidth, inputFile1) # We pass countFWs() the input
# filename so it can show it
WAN1 = normalize(text1Scores)
WAN1LimitProbs = limitProbabilities((eliminateSinks(WAN1)),text1Counts)
#print("\n\nDoing "+inputFile2)
(text2Scores, text2Counts) = countFWs(cleanUp(text2),fwords,windowWidth, inputFile2) # We pass countFWs() the input
# filename so it can show it
WAN2 = normalize(text2Scores)
# print to text file
print("Relative entropy of "+inputFile1+" to "+inputFile2+" is "+str(100 * relativeEntropy(WAN1, WAN2, WAN1LimitProbs))+ " centinats")
with open('wan_output_log.txt', 'a') as file:
file.write("\nRelative entropy of "+inputFile1+" to "+inputFile2+" is "+str(100 * relativeEntropy(WAN1, WAN2, WAN1LimitProbs))+ " centinats" + '')
# enumerate books in the books folder and run WAN on them, remove any books that are not .txt files
def enumerate_books(path):
books = sorted(os.listdir(path))
books = [book for book in books if book.endswith('.txt')]
for i in range(len(books)) :
for j in range(i + 1, len (books)) :
#print (f'"{books [i]}" and "{books[j]}"')
# print the path of the book
#print (os.path.join(path, books[i]))
#print (os.path.join(path, books[j]))
# run WAN
return_centinat_relative_entropy_1(os.path.join(path, books[i]), os.path.join(path, books[j]))
path = "books/"
Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 14.57823088531473 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 14.32950620458722 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 13.847869033444745 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 15.359345663236013 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 13.67610153278356 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 13.80470075514036 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 16.32305506105155 centinats Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 16.584508720758574 centinats Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 19.870409143648263 centinats Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 14.571262903481724 centinats
import os
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
windowWidth = 27
def return_centinat_relative_entropy_2(inputFile1, inputFile2):
with open('function_words.txt', 'r') as handle:
fwords = sorted(handle.read().split())
#print("List of function words: "+str(fwords))
with open(inputFile1, "r") as handle:
text1=handle.read() # we no longer replace whitespace between paragraphs with 'xxxxx'
with open(inputFile2, "r") as handle:
text2=handle.read() # we no longer replace whitespace between paragraphs with 'xxxxx'
#print("\n\nDoing "+inputFile1)
(text1Scores, text1Counts) = countFWs(cleanUp(text1),fwords,windowWidth, inputFile1) # We pass countFWs() the input
# filename so it can show it
WAN1 = normalize(text1Scores)
WAN1LimitProbs = limitProbabilities((eliminateSinks(WAN1)),text1Counts)
#print("\n\nDoing "+inputFile2)
(text2Scores, text2Counts) = countFWs(cleanUp(text2),fwords,windowWidth, inputFile2) # We pass countFWs() the input
# filename so it can show it
WAN2 = normalize(text2Scores)
# print to text file
print("Relative entropy of "+inputFile1+" to "+inputFile2+" is "+str(100 * relativeEntropy(WAN1, WAN2, WAN1LimitProbs))+ " centinats")
# Return relative entropy
return 100 * relativeEntropy(WAN1, WAN2, WAN1LimitProbs)
def enumerate_books_as_data_frame(path):
books = sorted(os.listdir(path))
books = [book for book in books if book.endswith('.txt')]
# Initialize an empty matrix
matrix = []
for i in range(len(books)):
row = []
for j in range(len(books)):
row.append(return_centinat_relative_entropy_2(os.path.join(path, books[i]), os.path.join(path, books[j])))
print("the value that is being appended: ", return_centinat_relative_entropy_2(os.path.join(path, books[i]), os.path.join(path, books[j])))
print("Working on books: " + books[i] + " and " + books[j])
# Convert matrix to DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=books, index=books)
return df
def plot_heatmap(df):
sns.heatmap(df, cmap="YlGnBu", annot=True)
plt.title("Relative Entropy Heatmap")
path = "books/"
df = enumerate_books_as_data_frame(path)
Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 0.0 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 0.0 centinats the value that is being appended: 0.0 Working on books: hamlet-text.txt and hamlet-text.txt Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 14.57823088531473 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 14.57823088531473 centinats the value that is being appended: 14.57823088531473 Working on books: hamlet-text.txt and henry-v-text.txt Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 14.32950620458722 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 14.32950620458722 centinats the value that is being appended: 14.32950620458722 Working on books: hamlet-text.txt and macbeth-text.txt Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 13.847869033444745 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 13.847869033444745 centinats the value that is being appended: 13.847869033444745 Working on books: hamlet-text.txt and merchant-of-venice-text.txt Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 15.359345663236013 centinats Relative entropy of books/hamlet-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 15.359345663236013 centinats the value that is being appended: 15.359345663236013 Working on books: hamlet-text.txt and much-ado-text.txt Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 12.483385449028207 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 12.483385449028207 centinats the value that is being appended: 12.483385449028207 Working on books: henry-v-text.txt and hamlet-text.txt Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 0.0 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 0.0 centinats the value that is being appended: 0.0 Working on books: henry-v-text.txt and henry-v-text.txt Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 13.67610153278356 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 13.67610153278356 centinats the value that is being appended: 13.67610153278356 Working on books: henry-v-text.txt and macbeth-text.txt Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 13.80470075514036 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 13.80470075514036 centinats the value that is being appended: 13.80470075514036 Working on books: henry-v-text.txt and merchant-of-venice-text.txt Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 16.32305506105155 centinats Relative entropy of books/henry-v-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 16.32305506105155 centinats the value that is being appended: 16.32305506105155 Working on books: henry-v-text.txt and much-ado-text.txt Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 12.506207855006732 centinats Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 12.506207855006732 centinats the value that is being appended: 12.506207855006732 Working on books: macbeth-text.txt and hamlet-text.txt Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 14.869725655607576 centinats Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 14.869725655607576 centinats the value that is being appended: 14.869725655607576 Working on books: macbeth-text.txt and henry-v-text.txt Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 0.0 centinats Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 0.0 centinats the value that is being appended: 0.0 Working on books: macbeth-text.txt and macbeth-text.txt Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 16.584508720758574 centinats Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 16.584508720758574 centinats the value that is being appended: 16.584508720758574 Working on books: macbeth-text.txt and merchant-of-venice-text.txt Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 19.870409143648263 centinats Relative entropy of books/macbeth-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 19.870409143648263 centinats the value that is being appended: 19.870409143648263 Working on books: macbeth-text.txt and much-ado-text.txt Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 13.050341157192896 centinats Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 13.050341157192896 centinats the value that is being appended: 13.050341157192896 Working on books: merchant-of-venice-text.txt and hamlet-text.txt Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 14.378411918530858 centinats Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 14.378411918530858 centinats the value that is being appended: 14.378411918530858 Working on books: merchant-of-venice-text.txt and henry-v-text.txt Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 16.209657387754987 centinats Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 16.209657387754987 centinats the value that is being appended: 16.209657387754987 Working on books: merchant-of-venice-text.txt and macbeth-text.txt Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 0.0 centinats Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 0.0 centinats the value that is being appended: 0.0 Working on books: merchant-of-venice-text.txt and merchant-of-venice-text.txt Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 14.571262903481724 centinats Relative entropy of books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 14.571262903481724 centinats the value that is being appended: 14.571262903481724 Working on books: merchant-of-venice-text.txt and much-ado-text.txt Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 19.160625198216355 centinats Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/hamlet-text.txt is 19.160625198216355 centinats the value that is being appended: 19.160625198216355 Working on books: much-ado-text.txt and hamlet-text.txt Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 20.776141662081436 centinats Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/henry-v-text.txt is 20.776141662081436 centinats the value that is being appended: 20.776141662081436 Working on books: much-ado-text.txt and henry-v-text.txt Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 23.587510696743415 centinats Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/macbeth-text.txt is 23.587510696743415 centinats the value that is being appended: 23.587510696743415 Working on books: much-ado-text.txt and macbeth-text.txt Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 17.458133345558995 centinats Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/merchant-of-venice-text.txt is 17.458133345558995 centinats the value that is being appended: 17.458133345558995 Working on books: much-ado-text.txt and merchant-of-venice-text.txt Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 0.0 centinats Relative entropy of books/much-ado-text.txt to books/much-ado-text.txt is 0.0 centinats the value that is being appended: 0.0 Working on books: much-ado-text.txt and much-ado-text.txt