Image Credits

Image Credits KMP Home Page Mini-Archive tile: Photograph by Kathryn Joy (Stonehill ’17) Works tile: Christopher Marlowe, The Massacre at Paris (fragment). c. 1590.  LUNA: Folger Digital Image Collection, v.b.8,–fragment—m?sort=call_number%2Cmpsortorder1%2Ccd_title%2Cimprint&qvq=q:j.b.8;sort:call_number%2Cmpsortorder1%2Ccd_title%2Cimprint;lc:FOLGERCM1~6~6&mi=0&trs=2. Accessed 6 March 2018. Family Tree, Social Networks, Conspiracy Theories, Espionage, Game, and

Marlowe, Christopher

Dido, Queen of Carthage Marlowe, Christopher and Thomas Nashe. The Tragedie of Dido Queene of Carthage. Edited by Meaghan Brown, Michael Poston, and Elizabeth Williamson.  A Digital Anthology of Early Modern English Drama, Folger Shakespeare Library, Marlowe, Christopher and Thomas Nashe. The Tragedie of Dido Queene of Carthage. Folger Shakespeare Library, LUNA: Folger