“¶ This is a list of online databases, catalogues, projects, images, video, reference works, &c, for the study of early modern plays at the intersection of performance and print. Two caveats: (1) it is not an exhaustive list; and (2) it is meant to supplement—not replace—scholarship published in more traditional venues such as journals, edited collections, and monographs. ¶ Some of the resources focus on textual iterations of plays, while others are more interested in performance. Many, in their own ways, illuminate and/or pose questions about dramatic bi-modality. ¶ Several of these resources are only accessible via an institutional subscription. In these cases, I have linked to Penn State Libraries’ access portal. ¶ Finally, thank you to colleagues who have collected and shared many of these links on their own sites—see the blog section below, for example—as well as to those who have alerted me to newly completed and in-progress projects of interest. As always, if you know of a resource that’s not on this list but you think should be, please email me ( roaringgirle [at] gmail [dot] com ).” – Claire Bourne
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