This bibliography offers a growing list of works cited and consulted in the course of building our site. The Spring 2018 students edited many of their predecessors’ entries as they added their own. As of Spring 2020, all new entries are cross-tagged to their posts. Please note that some entries have not yet been reviewed.
“Accusations against Christopher Marlowe by Richard Baines and others.” British Library, Harley MS 6848,
Page features facsimile image of holograph note, plus transcription and commentary.
“Christopher Marlowe killed in tavern brawl.”, 2009. A&E Networks.
“Christopher Marlowe.” Encyclopedia of World Biography: Biography in Context. Gale, 1998. Gale in Context,
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Bennett, Kristen Abbott and Andrew Jeromski. “’The Glory of Our Sexe’: Elizabeth I and Early Modern Women Writers.” Women Writers in Context, The Women Writers Project, Northeastern University, May 2020,
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Brown, Meaghan, Michael Poston, and Elizabeth Williamson, editors. Folger Shakespeare Library, A Digital Anthology of Early Modern English Drama,
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Tom Rutter – Rutter, Tom. The Cambridge Introduction to Christopher Marlowe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Nicholl, Charles. The Reckoning: the Murder of Christopher Marlowe. University of Chicago, 1995.
Nicholl, Charles. The Reckoning: the Murder of Christopher Marlowe. University of Chicago, 1995.
Tom Rutter – Rutter, Tom. The Cambridge Introduction to Christopher Marlowe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
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SAWYER, ROBERT. “Shakespeare and Marlowe: Re-Writing the Relationship.” Critical Survey, vol. 21, no. 3, 2009, pp. 41–58. JSTOR, Accessed 22 Oct. 2020.
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Erne, Lukas. “Biography, Mythography, and Criticism: The Life and Works of Christopher Marlowe.“ Modern Philology, vol. 103, no. 1, August 2005, pp. 28-50.
Findlay, Alison. “Hathaway, Anne.” Women in Shakespeare: A Dictionary, Bloomsbury, 2014, pp. 177–179. EBSCOhost, doi: 10.5040/9781623560928.
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Foster, Brett. “Reviewed Work: A Christopher Marlowe Chronology by Lisa Hopkins.” The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 39, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1198–1199. JSTOR,
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Austin, Warren B. “Gabriel Harvey’s ‘Lost’ Ode on Ramus.” Modern Language Notes, vol. 61, no. 4, 1946, pp. 242–247. JSTOR, Accessed 22 Oct. 2020.
(Old source, but it was mostly used to explain Ramism, and how Harvey would’ve been inspired by him at a young age)
Wilson, H. S. “The Cambridge Comedy ‘Pedantius’ and Gabriel Harvey’s ‘Ciceronianus.’” Studies in Philology, vol. 45, no. 4, 1948, pp. 578–591. JSTOR, Accessed 22 Oct. 2020.
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Tamburlaine the Great, Part One
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Tamburlaine the Great, Part Two
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