Profs. Bennett & Hamlin * Rogues Progress * Spring 2018

Proofreading “Ography” Contributions

In the Rogues’ OneDrive, you’ll find the master “ography” spreadsheet. This file contains The Kit Marlowe Project’s Personography, Placeography, and Bibliography.

Currently, we’re editing the Personography. Here you’ll find a list of names that have been tagged in our encoded files with the <persName> tag. The next step is to link the tags to information about the person.

You worked briefly with these “ographies” at the beginning of the semester, researching the individuals, writing brief descriptions of them, and adding links to reliable internet sources that offer additional information. You also started proofreading the Fall 2017 class’s contributions. Now, we want each student to proof and create 5 complete, approved entries for encoding and linking.

Step 1:

Check EACH COLUMN’S information to make sure it is correct. Everything needs proofreading!

  • Make sure you’ve indicated which type of figure you have.
  • Make sure you’ve included alternate names.
  • Make sure your “Note” field is precisely written and contains ZERO errors.
  • Make sure you’ve provided a reliable link. Avoid relying on Britannica if possible; see the Digital Resources page for updated sources that might be helpful.

Step 2:

Create an xml:id for your person.

  • All person names will be prefixed with “pers_”
  • Next you add the first 4 letter of the person’s name (surname if available), plus a number. All of the names on our list will (at this point in time) be numbered “1.” Moving forward, we may have persons with similar last names and the four-letter method may be insufficient.
  • Thus, Prof. Bennett would be: “pers_BENN1” – you’ll see examples for the first few names in the spreadsheet.

Step 3:

Get your ographies checked by Prof. KB. You may ask to have your ographies checked during class, time permitting. If we run out of time, please see the assignment posted on eLearn (it’s not a graded assignment – just a mechanism to help us check your work before you encode it!).


Step 4:

Encode your ographies! (More to come!)

Proofreading Ographies