
For this weeks work I added fixed some of the links between The Discovery of Witchcraft page on the Kit Marlowe Project and TAPAS. Then I went through the document and compiled a list of all the names (besides the tables at the end of epistle 4) in the text. I did this in case I or anyone else are to work on the personographies for The Discovery of Witchcraft project.

Following that work I continued to add onto the different sections for my paper. As I added onto each section I worked on proofreading it as well. Adding onto the work I did last week I also found a journal article by S.F. Davies on the reception of Reginald Scot’s The Discovery of Witchcraft.

4/9    5:00pm-6:30pm    (1 hr 30 min)

4/12    1:30pm-2:30pm    (1hr)

4/13    9:25am-10:10am    (3hr 45min)



4/14    10:00am-12:00pm    (2hrs)

Total: 8 hr 15min


During this internship I expected to get to transcribe and encode a lot. Luckily this is exactly what I got to do. I have enjoyed getting to transcribe the pages of the text and encoding all the people and places Reginald Scot mentions. I also expected to write a paper at the end of the semester which has been enjoyable in regards to further researching Reginald Scot, Sir Roger Manwood, and also the impact of the text on the people of the time and the literature after. 

The negative aspect of this internship is having run out of time to work on the personographies for The Discovery of Witchcraft. I would have liked to discover who he references and more about them. I think having not finished this aspect of the project makes it feel not completely finished. Otherwise I think we accomplished a lot this semester and I am happy with what we accomplished.

Kelsey Rhodes – April 9, 2022 – April 15, 2022