These assignments recombine Research Based Learning (RBL) approaches with “maker” practices inspired by the digital humanities to help students engage cognitively and affectively with early modern literature and history.

CPB/DB Assignments” introduces the concept of early modern commonplace books, plus digital research and composition practices. Here one may find sample prompts that put a twist on conventional commonplacing as they draw from multiple open-access digital humanities resources and generate discussion questions for class. These homework assignments replace conventional discussion board posts.

CPB Presentations” is an assignment that asks students to research and develop an idea that piqued their curiosity and share it with the class.

The “KMP Options Spring 2020” assignment offers students an opportunity to research and condense a line of inquiry that has arisen in their commonplace books that they may contribute to The Kit Marlowe Project website.

“CPB Synthesis” is an essay assignment that both embraces our exploratory practices of research and learning, while meeting our departmental assessment requirements.

Kristen Abbott Bennett, April 2020

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Please note that all of the foregoing teaching resources have been authored and should be cited accordingly. The Kit Marlowe Project by Kristen Abbott Bennett is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Commonplace Book Assignments